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International Symposia on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages

This is the official web-site for the International Symposia on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages – IFL. The name was changed in 2004 to add the term application, and from 2006 the title was changed from Workshop to Symposium, in line with similar events such as LOPSTR or TFP. These changes reflect both the broader scope IFL has gained over recent years, the long-standing production of a high-quality and respected refereed post-proceedings, and an increasing trend towards moving functional languages out of the research laboratory and into the real world.

The first workshop on the Implementation of Functional Languages on Parallel Architectures was held in Nijmegen, the Netherlands in 1989. IFL has run as an annual international event since then. From 1996, a selection of the best papers presented each year has been published by Springer-Verlag in their Series of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). These papers are selected by a rigorous post-facto refereeing process to form a formal proceedings of the workshop, with papers undergoing two rounds of revision before publication.

The scope of the symposia covers all aspects of the implementation and use of functional programming languages, including but not limited to: compilation and interpretation, abstract machine design, parallel and concurrent implementation, automatic program generation, novel applications, tools and techniques, program analysis, runtime profiling, memory management, type checking, computer architectures, array processing, debugging and tracing, language concepts, verification and formal aspects. The current symposium description will contain more precise details and guidance.

Other Functional Programming Events

Below is an incomplete list of events similar to IFL. In addition to the events listed below, there are also occasional Latin American conferences on functional programming, workshops on languages including Haskell and SML. Functional programming papers are also published at venues including the European Symposium on Programming (ESOP), the ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL), the ACM Conference on Programming Languages and Implementation (PLDI). Please contact us if your event is not listed here and you would like it to be added.

International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP) The primary conference for researchers in functional programming, a successor to the conferences on Lisp and Functional Programming and on Functional Programming and Computer Architecture, alternating between Europe and the US, and with a number of attached workshops. 
Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming (TFP) A meeting covering exciting new developments in functional programming at an early stage of research. 
Central European Functional Programming School (CEFP) The Central European Functional Programming School is an intensive summer school in the field of functional programming. The main goal is to bring together computer scientists, researchers and graduate and PhD students. The invited lecturers are the most prominent researchers in the field in Europe, and they will present state-of-the-art functional programming techniques.

Some Common Functional Programming Languages